Biomedical Imaging and Data Science Lab

About Us

The Biomedical Imaging and Data Science Lab (BIDSLab) directed by Prof. Joyita Dutta, is part of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. BIDSLab is an engineering and data science lab and maintain deep ties with hospital-based researchers and physicians in the Boston area and beyond. Our broad research goal is to develop signal processing and artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions to a range of inverse problems, including biomedical image processing and reconstruction, brain network analysis, and electrophysiological signal processing for healthcare applications. Several of our ongoing research projects are focused on the development of AI-based approaches to aid the diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer's disease.

Recent Updates

Alzheimer's & Dementia Paper

Oct 2024. Our paper titled "Elevated locus coeruleus metabolism provides resilience against cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease" in in collaboration with the Jacobs Lab at MGH was accepted for publication in the Alzheimer's & Dementia journal.

Jordanov Grant

Aug 2024. A huge congrats to Ziyuan for receiving the 2024 Valentin T. Jordanov Radiation Instrumentation Travel Grant from the IEEE NPSS!


Jul 2024. Congrats, Ziyuan and Bowen, for getting accepted for oral presentations at the IEEE Medical Imaging Conference!

NIH R01 Grant

Jun 2024. Yet another funding update! We were awarded a new NIH/NIA R01 grant titled "Genomics-guided sleep biomarker discovery for early Alzheimer's disease: A wearables study."

NIH R21 Grant

Jun 2024. Exciting news! We received a new NIH/NIA R21 grant titled "Super-resolved multimodal imaging biomarkers for frontotemporal dementia."

SNMMI 2024

May 2024. We are excited to announce that BIDSLab will be presenting 5 abstracts (1 oral and 4 posters) at the SNMMI 2024 Annual Meeting. Congrats to presenters Tzu-An, Fan, Vibha, Ziyuan, and Bowen!